
Wednesday 14 April 2021

Amendments to the ALCGA Constitution: from 11 April 2021

At the ALCGA AGM on 11 April 2021, amendments to the Constitution were approved and adopted to take account of the introduction of the new WHS (World Handicapping System).

Each amendment replaces an old CONGU handicap with a ‘best’ corresponding new WHS Handicap Index. By adopting this approach, the Constitution remains essentially unchanged.

The fully revised Constitution can be seen on this website. However, it is worth noting here that membership is now open to all ladies and girls of handicap index 32.0 and under who satisfy the other membership criteria. Also, Division A, handicap index up to 19.0, will replace the old Silver Division and Division B, handicap index 19.1 upwards, will replace the old Bronze Division.

The ALCGA Management Committee and Officials recognise that monitoring and review of the implementation of WHS may identify the need for fine tuning of Handicap Index thresholds. Consequently, further amendments to the Constitution may be advisable in future.


Lorna M Johnson
Captain, ALCGA